Tyler Venom defeated JTD via Submission
The match began with the usual lockup exchange, both men displaying their technical proficiency. The two would also trade a pair of pin attempts continuing the feeling out process.
Early on JTD would begin to dictate the pace of the action but Venom would mount a series of comebacks which would mostly prove futile as JTD would just simply subvert his offense and retake control. Nonetheless, both men were fairly matched, while JTD is more experienced Venom’s deadly offense would, for the most part, manage to nullify that advantage. The brunt of Venom’s offense would be targeted at JTD’s arms looking to lessen the blow of his brutal strikes and set him up for his arm submission which he has used to take out opponents in the past according to the commentators.
Nearing the end of the match we would see both men trading submissions trying to force their opponent to tap, JTD with his Stepover Toehold Sleepers and Venom with his Armbars continuing to do damage to that arm. Venom would manage to get the deciding submission, a Triangle Hold hyperextending that right arm and forcing JTD to tap.
This match was rated ***3/4 (3.75 Stars) by the reviewers here at TIC, it was an enthralling back and forth affair between to fairly evenly match competitors. The action was compelling and both men told an interesting story that got both of their characters over throughout its duration. Even in loss JTD look ever impressive and a win over such an established talented benefited Venom more than if JTD had won, this represented the combination of sound booking and an overall great match.
Ga-Yeong defeated Violet Ventura via Submission
A talented rookie in Ventura was faced with the daunting task of competing against a very aggressive Ga-Yeong who was on the top of her game. The match would begin with an exchange of strikes before Ga-Yeong would attempt some chain wrestling which would be followed by a series of quick pinning attempts.
This match would showcase extended lengths of aggression and control by Ga-Yeong punctuated by fiery comebacks by Ventura. Ga-Yeong just showing her experience advantage over the Stronghold Academy trainee by dictating the flow and pace of the action and forcing Ventura to behave reactively rather than proactively. At one point Ventura would hit a prone Ga-Yeong in the corner with a running forearm and follow it up with a springboard handspring tilt-a-whirl showing off her impressive athleticism.
Nearing the end of the match Ga-Yeong would block a suicide dive attempt by simply punching Ventura before she could even leave the ground following that up with a bicycle kick. Not even letting Ventura get a moment to breathe Ga-Yeong would lock in a Figure Four Headscissors with the aid of the ropes then re-enter the ring to lock in an Inverted Toehold Facelock forcing Ventura to tap out.
This match was rated ***1/2 (3.50 Stars) by the reviewers here at TIC, Ga-Yeong did an amazing job playing the aggressive heel in this match and Ventura was the perfect fiery babyface. Much like the first match the action was compelling and the booking made sense, the rookie wasn't hurt by the loss and taking an opponent of Ga-Young's caliber to her limits did wonders for her standing as a new prominent face on the scene.
Will Steele defeated Aiken Aero via Pinfall
This match would begin with a few tests of strength and as expected Will Steele would take a clear advantage. The opening moments would see Steele use his power and athleticism to take control of the action at one point delivering a Powerslam to a rebounding Aero.
The middle portion of the match would see much of the same as Steele would make use of his very effective strength-based offense. Aero, however, would not be completely outclassed using his speed and agility to land some offense of his own but for the most part, Steele dominated the action. Steele would also show another often less appreciated facet of his offense using his technical prowess to wear down Aero and keep him where he wanted him. Aero would take the action to the outside with a jumping DDT on the apron to get himself back into the match but he would fail to capitalize taking too much time to throw Steele back into the ring allowing Steele the time to recover and reverse a shooting star splash attempt in the ring.
That would spell the beginning of the end as Will Steele would land a Back Suplex Double Knee Backbreaker for the win.
This match was rated ***1/2 (3.50 Stars) by the reviewers here at TIC, Steele as usual was on top form and delivered yet another wonderful performance against a very capable opponent. Aero looked impressive for pushing such an established competitor to his limits and the loss didn't hurt him in the slightest.
Rachel Reigns defeated Yves via Submission
This match started out explosively with Reign hitting a springboard hurricanrana mere seconds into the action. While Reigns began the match with explosive offense Yves would manage to subdue and suppress her explosiveness with methodical and concentrated aggression, at one point blocking a suicide dive and then ramming Reigns into the ring apron.
This would be a continuing theme through the match, as Rachel began to ramp up her offense Yves would somehow manage to suppress it. It could be ignored that Reigns was attempting to send a message to Aubrey Aero ahead of their Divas Championship match at Lucky 7, employing multiple of the champion’s moves throughout the match. Yves would continue to make openings of herself throughout this match taking advantage of any rare lapse or mistake by Reigns, at one point taking Reigns clean out of the sky as she attempted a springboard maneuver with a devastating lariat.
The match would be ended when Reigns would hit a Fireman's Carry Cutter and immediately transition into a Crossface forcing Yves to tap.
This match was rated **** (4.00 Stars) by the reviewers at TIC, quite easily the match of the night the #1 Contender for the Divas Championship delivered a performance which reminded us all just how worthy she is to face the champion. The storytelling throughout this match was fantastic and the smaller details added by Reigns such as moves from Aero's moveset did a lot to help the story. Yves played her part well as a heel and pushed Reigns to her limit showing that she is more than worthy of a possible title shot down the line.that she is more than worthy of possible title shot down the line.
Overall Show Rating:
As per usual Aero Academy delivered with yet another entertaining show, packed with 4 fantastic matches, sensible booking, fantastic visual and audio quality, and solid commentary. The show overall gets a ***3/4 (3.75 Stars) by us here at TIC and we look forward to seeing Aero Academy has to offer in the future.
Written By: Philip Nelson
Reviewers: Ashley Goldman, Philip Nelson
Twitter: @TodayInCAW and @PhilipNelsonTIC