Black Dragon Gate Dojo's most recent installment BDG: XV was set to be the highly anticipated resurgence of The Brotherhood under the leader of "The Berserker" Christopher T. Rosa as well as a return to BDG for Josh Teixeira.
"The Anarchist" Damon Venture Defeats Tyreke Carter
The first match of the nigh saw Young Dragon Tyreke Carter take on the BDG Global Heavyweight Champion Damon Venture. This would be Carter's first match on BDG and Venture's first since winning the title on BDG: XIV.
At the sound of the Gong Venture immediately charged at Carter with a running knee in the corner, giving him no chance to get any offense. Venture followed up with a running haymaker punch in the corner to a prone Carter. He then picked up the victory with the Fireman's Carry Dropped into a Knee Lift which he calls the "Rise to Anarchy."
We truly didn't know what to expect from Carter during this match but what we didn't even think to expect was a squash, especially considering Carter's previous achievements in other companies.
Following the match Venture sought to inflict more damage on an unconscious Carter before being stopped by Trey Jordans.
This match was rated a DUD (0.00 Stars) by the reviewers here at TIC, this squash match served only to reinforce Venture's dominant status within the company and it did so successfully. However, as is company policy here at TIC we must rate this squash match a DUD.
"AirTex" Josh Teixeira defeats "The Bruiserlord" Austin Cruise
This match was characterized by it's relentless and hard-hitting action, the pace swung drastically depending on who controlled the action allowing for both men's distinct styles to shine. Teixeira was also entering this match at less than 100% following the attack he suffered earlier on the show.
Beginning with a traditional lock up which Cruise would get the better of, giving him the early advantage to pound away at the back of Teixeira. Keeping the action at a comfortable pace for him and attempting to ground his opponent's dynamic offense.
Throughout the match we would see this trend continue as Teixeira would attempt to rally a comeback or string together some offensive sequences he would be stopped by Cruise. The presence of Connor Sabin also didn't do Teixeira any favors but this is not to say that Josh didn't manage to get in impressive offensive maneuvers. Teixeira made full use of his speed and agility advantage at one point flattening Cruise with a Tope Con Hilo.
The closing stages of this match would see Cruise lock in his patented Cruise Control submission only for Teixeira to fight out of it and fight through the damage done to his spine to deliver a spinning roundhouse kick. Teixeira followed this up with an impressive Falcon Arrow before climbing to the top turnbuckle and delivering a Corkscrew 450 Splash which he dubbed the "Zero Gravity" for the victory.
This match was rated ****1/2 (4.50 Stars) by the reviewers here at TIC, a true clash of styles as the brawler Cruise met the illusive highflyer Teixeira. An action packed and hard hitting match as expected which saw a win for Teixeira through sheer resilience and grit, establishing him as one to look out for in the future. Cruise, however, put up more than a fight but just fell short in this clinic of a match.
Following the match we witnessed an attack by The Brotherhood's Connor Sabin and their newest member Logan Drew later to be joined by their new leader Rosa. As Drew prepared to continue their attack they were interrupted and repelled from the ring by a returning Jay Crimson.
This was yet another fantastic show by BDG, the first match, while still a squash match, served its purpose of building Venture as a dominant force and giving the main event the time and opportunity to shine.
Written By: Philip Nelson
Twitter: TodayInCAW, PhilipNelsonTIC