The saga continues as OKAMI and his camp relentlessly prepare for his main event match against Bryan Wilson at No Sleep Till Brooklyn. Over the weekend OKAMI participated in a series of exhibition matches in Japan at various True-1 Pro untaped live events where he was accompanied to the ring by Darren Dastardly and Tiger Roshii.
Footage even depicts OKAMI adopting portions of Dastardly's moveset into his own winning one of his matches with the Darstadly DDT (depicted above).
Our sources within OKAMI's training camp remain optimistic, stating that the camp is going well and although they would not confirm anything pertaining to the specifics of his training we have heard rumors that OKAMI may be looking to bulk up for his match against Wilson.
Written By: Philip Nelson
Twitter: @TodayInCAW and @PhilipNelsonTIC